Age: 31
City, Country: Israel
Occupation: Yoga teacher/fitness instructor
Years of Being Fruitarian: 1 year
What is your biggest challenge on this lifestyle?
What brought you to this lifestyle?
Struggled with many dis-eases and stubborn body fat.
My brother told me about it years ago.
Since then I was on and off and not doing it properly .
Until I watched a video of Freelee on YouTube and another video by Gillian Berry. So how glowing they looked and how slim they are and eating as much as they want.
On my birthday I went on a 5 day watermelon cleanse and everything felt better and my mind was light and clear. My period was so super light to almost nothing and no pain at all. My bloating was gone . My skin was glowing. And I lost weight eating more than I used to - so it hit me.
Fruits are the answer to my problems.
I felt so good - I don't ever want to feel bad again.
Mostly Fruit (90% or more)
How long on this lifestyle?
What’s your favorite fruit/s?
Mango, mangosteen, melons, durian, papaya, jackfruit, cherimoya, peach and so on , not one in particular. It is so hard to choose just one.
What’s your current mission in life?
Raise the awareness in the world and help reduce the suffering.
Country of Current Residency