Age: 35
City, Country: Canada
Occupation: Multi-passionate Entrepreneur
Years of Being Fruitarian: Vegan since 2016, Raw vegan since 2021 transitioning to 100% fruitarian
What is your biggest challenge on this lifestyle?
What brought you to this lifestyle?
Physical and mental health benefits
Vegan since 2016, Raw vegan since 2021 transitioning to 100% fruitarian
I'm Fruitarian (but eat greens, nuts/seeds)
How long on this lifestyle?
What’s your favorite fruit/s?
Mangos! Bananas, jackfruit, grenadillas, tagerines, tomatoes, avocados, cucumbers...
oh my!! ALL fruits!
What’s your current mission in life?
To be better every day in every way and inspire people to love themselves truly. Generating income from doing what I love. Meeting more people with similar lifestyle.
Country of Current Residency
Social part as for most raw people I think..