What is your biggest challenge on this lifestyle?
Country of Current Residency
Age: 38
City, Country: The Netherlands
Occupation: Employee / Meditation Instructor
Years of Being Fruitarian: 3 years
What’s your current mission in life?
Show the inner most nature wisdom of the selfness between fruitarianism and dzogchen (or any non-dual transcendental approach).
I live in a cool weather country, The Netherlands. And here it is not that easy to find fruits like in the tropics. Also I have a very urban-like style of life living in a capital city (Amsterdam), quite different than the stereotypical fruitarian environment. But these things instead of demotivating me, encourage me to proof that this lifestyle is possible even far away from the tropics.
Lichees, pomegranate, honeydew melon, durian, honing cherry tomatoes, morus, papaya, etc.
What’s your favorite fruit/s?
Following my heart towards compassion even for the plant kingdom. And during that process of inquiry, I discovered that it is our natural physiological way of life. To me, this lifestyle transcends the discrepancies between the ideal of compassion and its practical application. I feel that as long as a being (of any species) feels pain when witnessing the suffering, mistreatment, or killing of another being, then it indicates that feeding oneself by causing that is not the natural way to them.
How long on this lifestyle?
What brought you to this lifestyle?