What is your biggest challenge on this lifestyle?
Country of Current Residency
What’s your current mission in life?
Have no challenges with eating only fruits. I decided — I do. I have challenge to earn a million)
To help people to be strong, flexible and healthy trough my yoga classes and Instagram stories.
What’s your favorite fruit/s?
Once I realised: if I’m alive, then I should it something alive. But I never heard before that there’s people who eats only raw, so I ate a little bit of baked things, but 80% was raw anyway. So when I saw other people examples in media, I realised I actually can eat only raw, and this people say it’s only good. At that moment I decided I’m raw vegan now, so since then I was. Then, once, I decided to try to eat only fruits for one month, to see what’s going to happen. And only a weak was was enough for me to realise it’s the best diet, no more questions appeared, since then I eat only fruits.
What brought you to this lifestyle?
Vegetarian for 9 years, raw vegan for 2,5 years, fruits only for 4 months
How long on this lifestyle?
Age: 29
City, Country: Russia
Occupation: Personal yoga teacher
Years of Being Fruitarian: Vegetarian for 9 years, raw vegan for 2,5 years, fruits only for 4 months