Age: 40
City, Country: Koh phangan Thailand
Occupation: I set up my life in a way that I can manage my time because for me love cane first then job
Years of Being Fruitarian: Almost 3 years
What is your biggest challenge on this lifestyle?
What brought you to this lifestyle?
I was really sick juice fasting, gravity colonic idroterapy and fruits saved my life.
Since when I start I did 3 long juice fasting (the first I did 53 days on parsley and orange juice, the Second I did 108 days on juice and 41 days only monojuice watermelon and one month ago I broke my last juice cleanse where I did 300 days on juice the most amazing experience of my life .. since when I started I did more then 450 gravity colonic session and now I have a new colon I really would love to find a man that did so much cleanse like me .
How long on this lifestyle?
I love this life style so for me it is normal
What’s your favorite fruit/s?
What’s your current mission in life?
To be useful to this world, share information with people that will change their life. Promote consioious healthy lifestyle, help people to add healthy habits into their lifestyle, help people get healthier, bring them to clean eating.
Country of Current Residency