Age: 28
City, Country: Russia.
Occupation: Detective, Group Trainer, Twerk and Strip Dance Instructor.
Years of Being Fruitarian: 6 months on exclusively fruits
What is your biggest challenge on this lifestyle?
What brought you to this lifestyle?
Went through numerious nutrtrion and dietitian classes and courses that didn'tgive me answers/explanations to fundamental questions about health.
Dont like how we as humans age, how it doesn't look pretty and doesn't seem nice. I wanted to avoid it and find the answers to my questions. I really life philosophy behind fruitarianism and my experience so far on this lifestyle. There is not questions that i wasn't able to find answers.
6 months on exclusively fruits
How long on this lifestyle?
Changing my circle of friends, break up with my family
What’s your favorite fruit/s?
Avocado, Watermelon, Tomato, Mango
What’s your current mission in life?
Bring Beauty, Be Useful, Promote
Country of Current Residency